Home Mind Fun Doctor Who 50th Anniversary and predictions for 2013

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary and predictions for 2013

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary

By Chris Tyler for Impulse Gamer

So have we all recovered from the disappointment that was season 7? I barely have. To think that it’s been 7 years since Doctor who returned to our screens and…well….it’s come to this. In every season of the new series there have been disappointments but with them there have been some brilliant episodes as well. Never has there been a series devoid of greatness till this one. This whole season was “meh”.

It genuinely seems like the writes are saying to us “Wait till next year, we are saving all the money and ideas for then!”.

Next year will be the 50th anniversary of the television show that I love more than any other. I know the wheels are in motion and it should be a hell of a celebration but I just hope that Stephen Moffat doesn’t screw it up.

How many television programs can say that they have had a 50th anniversary and the program has still been on the air? Well ok…Blue Peter..but that’s practically Doctor Who anyway.

Er…and the Mexican cooking show. Hasta La Cocina …..what really? How many different ways are there to cook a Taco? No that’s not fair of course Mexico has as rich a culinary culture as any nation on earth and…started in 1958? REALLY?

And of course the Japanese historical drama Zenigata Heiji which as it’s been running since 1952 seems to be determined to relive the history in real time.

But the question on whovians lips everywhere is what will next year be like?

Here are my predictions.

Budget: Since the start of Matt Smiths tenure one of the less publicized things about Dr Who is that Moffat has had to do it all on a lower budget than Russell T Davis did. I think that for its 50th anniversary year the Beeb could easily kick some money back into the program that’s starting to look a little less ambitious than it did a few years ago.

Fan service: Steven Moffat has promised us fan service, which means giving the fans what they want to see although I doubt this means a live broadcast where they erase the master tapes of Time Flight. No what I think this means is that we get Daleks, Cybermen, the Master all the old favorites. Possibly a moving tribute to Sarah Jane that we seem to have missed in the last year even though the Brigadier has had several nods. And of course the most traditional, tradition…..multiple doctors.

Doctors: I feel confident that there will be Cybermen because it’s been confirmed that they will appear in Neil Gaimen’s episode. And I feel confident that there will be multiple Doctors because Moffat is not an idiot. But how many? Well at least one. And if there is only going to be one it’s going to be David Tennant. No question. Any others? Ok at a stretch….Christopher Eccletstone. What there won’t be is a Tom Baker (although I still think they should implement his suggestion to get him to play the Master) No Colin Baker, No Sylvester McCoy, I could see Peter Davidson come onboard but only because he’s done it before. What about Paul Mcgann? Well he’d be a maybe….for someone who only did one episode he has a fairly popular doctor and the way that he’s managed to resist ageing in the last 17 years is impressive.

Cybermen: Speaking of Cybermen I think that Gaimen might just throw us a bone on that one and we might be dealing with Mondasian Cybermen instead of the Cybus industries Cybermen that we’ve had to make do with for the last 7 years.  And as I09 broke a few days ago the cyber men that will be seen in that episode have been redesigned.

And that’s about it, anything else would fall into the category of “wild speculation” and whilst fun I’m not Sylvester McCoy.