Ultimate X-men #2 (2024) Review @peachmomoko60
Summary: We finally have our second mutant. With the introduction of Mei Storm, the world has gotten a whole lot bigger in just one issue. It’s starting to feel like an X-men book. A very weird X-men book, but an X-men book regardless.
Mei Storm!
Background – A Storm comes rolling in.
Writing – Hisako has yet another supernatural encounter with our resident ghost (yeah… I know it’s not a ghost, but I’m calling it that) as she remembers another encounter with Tsubasa before his death. The ghost is interrupted by the sudden appearance of a girl named Mei Igarashi, who is the spunkiest kid we’ve met in the two issues of this story. She’s relentlessly positive and Hisako can’t help but be drawn to her. They decide to go check out the local abandoned school after Hisako receives yet another note.
While there, they encounter rotting stuffed animals that might be dripping blood and a security guard who quickly changes into a being made of maggots and worms. They find the shadow in a room of paper with symbols drawn on them and candles. According to the shadow, he has made sure the 3 kids who bullied Tsubasa have ended their lives. As the “once” security guard chases them, Mei reveals her powers and attempts to subdue the guard with large gusts of wind. Unfortunately for them, the shadow takes charge of the apparition and barrels towards them… until Hisako’s carapace reveals itself yet again and blasts the shadow away.
With the shadow subdued, far away from the school a heavyset kid takes off what seems to be a helmet with strings attached to it as well as the more paper symbols that are seen hanging on the wall. The kid seems familiar with Hisako.
The issue ends with Hisako returning to school and receiving confirmation that the three boys are dead. They all hung themselves. Mei ahs joined Hisako’s class though, and she definitely wants to hang out. When asked by Mei if she thinks the deaths have to do with the shadow, all Hisako can do is give a wordless reply.
First things first: Mei is a huge breath of fresh air. In a world that seems to be dark and moribund, Mei is a bundle of positive energy. She’s down for adventure and seems to find our depressed heroine very interesting. While I don’t think this is going to lead to a romance, this is definitely leading to a lifelong friendship.
More importantly though, is the reveal that the shadow is not the Shadow King… at least I don’t think he is (in the traditional sense that is). Who the heck is this kid and why is he so hellbent on getting people to commit suicide? That reveal is NOT one I was expecting.
Artwork – The art highlights are the creepier panels in the book. From a security guard whose face is made entirely of worms and maggots except for his lone eye to rotting stuffed animals that are dripping some type of liquid (I think it’s supposed to be blood, but don’t quote me on that) Peach Momoko is having the time of her life weirding her audience out. Mei Storms reaction to Hisako’s “armor” is also a fantastic panel. It’s a mixture of jubilation and wonder, showing how happy she is with knowing there is somebody else like her out there and she isn’t alone anymore.
Final Thoughts – Well, we finally have our second mutant. With the introduction of Mei Storm, the world has gotten a whole lot bigger in just one issue. The incredibly strange reveal of the shadow’s origin’s opens up SO many questions. I guess I’m in it for the long hall. Bring in even more mutants and look what happens! It’s starting to feel like an X-men book. A very weird X-men book, but an X-men book regardless.
Final score: 4 out of 5
Comic Details
Publisher: Marvel
Writer & Artist: Peach Momoko
Letterer: VC’s Travis Lanham
Cover Artist: Mike Choi, Betsy Cola, Phil Noto, Peach Momoko
Script Adaption: Zack Davisson
Genre: Superhero
Format: Monthly
Release Date: 04/10/2024