
Published on June 14th, 2023 | by Andrew Bistak

Tyler Hoechlin Interview (Supanova 2023)

Supanova is back and so is SUPERMAN! So what better way to celebrate then by catching up with the mild mannered man himself, Tyler Hoechlin!

Welcome to Impulse Gamer Tyler and Supanova! What are you most looking forward to with Supanova and Australia?

I always love visiting Australia. It’s one of my favorite places on Earth. I’m pretty sure I’ve only ever had an absolutely fantastic time there since I first visited when I was seventeen for a baseball tournament that took us to Adelaide, Perth, and Sydney. The people there are always so welcoming and fun to be around. And Supanova is no exception to that, just a great place to be.

Let’s talk Superman! You’ve also become the definitive Superman for a generation… what’s it like playing the Man of Steel?

I don’t know if I’d say that, but kind of you to say. I’ve just really enjoyed playing a character that means so much to so many people from all walks of life all around the world. And one who stands for hope and optimism in the face of great adversity. I recently watched Everything Everywhere All At Once and I absolutely loved what that movie had to say about the different ways we can interpret the world around us, approach the journey of life, and how we can choose to “fight.” Fighting with hope, love, and joy I believe is the greatest way, and that’s what I appreciate about Clark Kent, how he fights.

What was the best part to wearing the Superman costume and also the most challenging?

The best part is seeing the reactions of kids who spot us when we’re filming. Or really anyone who gets such a kick out of it. It could be someone in their 50’s or 60’s that’s been a fan since they were five years old. And the most challenging is really just the long days in the suit that require a lot of physical work like stunts and our big fight sequences . But those are also some of my favorite days on set.

If you could play any character, whether real or fictitious, who would it be and why?

I have a few in mind, but I can’t say because I’m in the process of trying to put those projects together. So hopefully I’ll be able to answer that question with a film or series that’s out in the future.

You’re also involved in another modern classic, Teen Wolf: The Movie. What was it like being behind the scenes as a producer and also part of the cast again?

Well, first of all, it was just so much fun to have that whole group back together again. I’m sure it sounds like a cliché whenever we say it, but we really are like a big family over there. A lot of us have talked about working together again for years now, so to finally be able to do it, and not just one or two of us but mostly all of us was really something special. And I really enjoyed my experience working behind the scenes with Jeff and the other producers. I especially enjoyed the process of casting the new characters, particularly Vince Mattis who played my son. He’s a great actor and we were really lucky to find him. I hope to work with him again. And I absolutely enjoyed the producing element of making a film, and I’d definitely like to do more of that in the future.

If you could choose three characters that you played to have a drink with at a bar, who would they be?

McReynolds, Derek Hale, and c’mon… Superman.

So far, what is your favourite career highlight?

I couldn’t choose just one. I feel like every project stays with you in a special way. I’ve been lucky that for the most part, each role has found me at the right time for where I was in my life. I’m grateful for that.

Lastly what does the rest of 2023 and 2024 hold for you?

Well, we just found out that we’ll coming back to Superman & Lois for a fourth season, which is great to know given how season three ends. Other than that, I have two projects I’m currently developing that I hope will take some big steps forward next year. And most importantly, some good quality time with family and friends.


About the Author

When he's not trying to save the world, Andrew enjoys travel (although loathes turbulence), going to the movies, reading and being a dad to his two dogs (and now twins) with his wife.

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