
Published on July 4th, 2022 | by Tim Chuma

Thor: Lightning and Lament #1 (2022) Review

Thor: Lightning and Lament #1 (2022) Review Tim Chuma

Summary: A good story along with all the other reboots. You don't need to understand any other ongoing plotlines. Not sure if it will have anything to do with the new movie.



In this version of the story Thor has been banished to earth by Odin and stripped of his powers to learn some humility. He becomes a skilled doctor and ends up finding his powers again after finding a walking stick he can use to turn back into Thor but he does not tend to use it that much when he is on earth as his responsibility is to his patients.

When the troll empire attacks Thor is asked to come back and help, will he make it back in time and how does the “weak earthling” end up saving the day?

This was an enjoyable story as it is not really related to the other storylines so you can enjoy it even if you have not read any of the other plotlines and do not have to do a lot of pre-reading to enjoy it. It did remind me of the Doctor Strange storyline somewhat in that the main character was also a doctor at one point.

Even though there are a lot of reboots of stories at the moment due to new movies coming out this one still went well and I would recommend it if you are a fan of the character and want to see something different in terms of story.

Comic details:

Writer: Ralph Macchio

Penciler: Todd Nauck

Cover Artist: Ron Lim

Publisher: Marvel

Published: June 29, 2022

About the Author

Writer, photographer, artist and music fan from Melbourne, Australia.

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