Jackson Nicoll Interview (Bad Grandpa)
Welcome to Impulse Gamer Jackson, you’re one stop shop for Entertainment, Gaming and Tech! While I mentioned the “game” word, what video game are you playing at the moment?
Clash of the Clans. It’s where you battle people and you buy cool equipment like cannons. You also get to train troops!
If they made a Bad Grandpa video game, what would your special moves be?
The Jackson 5 – I use my 5 fingers and punch people in the cookies
Killer Farts – They would be deadly and probably have green smoke
How did you become involved in Bad Grandpa?
Johnny loved me when he met me on the movie FUNSIZE. I knew he would pick me for Bad Grandpa. They still made me audition though. I had to pretend to pee my pants in public in front of strangers!
You must have totally cool parents to let you act in Bad Grandpa. Is that true?
Yup. They are HUGE fans of Jackass.
What was it like working with the “Jackass” crew like Johnny Knoxville and Jeff Tremaine?
Johnny and Jeff are my best friends. It was like a crazy party everyday.
These guys loved doing pranks on each other in Jackass, did Johnny do any on you?
No, but he gave me major wedgies all the time.
What about you? (did you pull any pranks on Knoxville or the crew)
Everyday. Everybody was afraid of me. I also “tidal waved” Jeff at the hotel. That’s where you fill a bucket up with water, lean it against the door, knock and run away. When they open the door…..tidal wave.
While working on Bad Grandpa, what was the funniest thing that happened on set?
I was practicing pushing Johnny in the shopping cart and flipped him over! I think he broke his elbow!
Tell us about the epic pageant scene. How fun was it to film and where did you learn your moves?
I had to wear fake teeth, fake hair, fake eyelashes and high heels! I was so nervous because my dress kept getting caught when I would try to rip it off. Anthony taught me how to dance and this hot girl Cambrie taught me how to walk like a girl.
Check out this exclusive Behind the Scenes Extra from Bad Grandpa and Jackson Nicoll!
What happened when your friends found out that you’d be co-starring in Bad Grandpa with Johnny Knoxville?
Most of them didn’t believe me. When the movie came out I was like “Told you.”
What was the hardest thing about working on Bad Grandpa?
It was sooo hard not to laugh when we were pranking people but I knew Jeff would kill me if I did.
Okay….when can we expect Bad Grandpa 2?
Ask Johnny. Tell him I’m ready.
Thankyou Jackson!
“Jackass Presents: BAD GRANDPA – Out Now Digitally or on DVD & Blu-ray 26/03/2014”