Flash Season 2 Blu-ray Review
Summary: The Flash Season 2 successfully expands on the fun and excitement from the first season!
Fast TV!
After the shocking events of last season’s cliff-hanger which saw one of Team Flash sacrifice his life to save the world, Barry Allen (aka The Flash) is keeping his distance from the team as he believes he is a catalyst to the problems that face Central City. As a result, this current season is slightly darker but don’t fret because the light-hearted humour is still included, especially with Cisco who still manages to bring a smile to my face.
Once again joining Barry (Grant Gustin) in season 2 are Cisco (Carlos Valdes), Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) Iris (Candice Patton) and Joe (Jesse L. Martin) who make-up Team Flash. However with the Reverse Flash (Tom Cavanagh) gone thanks to Barry, Team Flash have unfortunately made their world known to another villainous speedster know as Zoom who wants to take over the multiverse by infusing himself with the speed force.
To make matters worse for Barry, a doppelganger from Earth-2 who looks identical to Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) arrives on the planet seeking allies to defeat Zoom and to rescue his daughter Jesse (Violett Beane) but it doesn’t help that he looks identical to the man who murdered Barry’s mother. Needless to say this creates some friction amongst Team Flash and to throw another spanner into the works, The Flash of Earth-2 arrives called Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) who has been made powerless from Zoom but agrees to ‘mentor’ Barry in order to support him in defeating this otherworldly villain.
However as Barry’s trust has been broken before, he initially suspects Jay as a villain and once again in the world of The Flash, things are never black and white. To complement this series and to pay homage to the world of DC Comics, there’s also some wonderful cameos such as Atom Smasher and Linda Park, two staples from the comics which really add to the Easter Eggs in this series. Then you have the evil doppelgangers from Earth-2 such as Caitlin (Killer Frost) and Cisco (Reverb) with both actors seeming to revel in these characters, including Grant Gustin who plays a very meek and mild Barry Allen from Earth-2.
Oh and the special effects in this season are brilliant, especially the CGI inclusions of villains Gorilla Grodd and Killer Shark which probably put a few Hollywood movies to shame. As mentioned, the big bad in this season is Zoom who is a bit of a hit and miss as a villain because his motivations become too convoluted. Then you have his gravelly voice which for me became a little annoying and there was no mention on why he talks like because in his alter ego, he sounds normal.
Although not included in this release but when Team Flash try to help Barry to Earth-2, he unwittingly gets transported to the universe where Supergirl lives which creates this awesome crossover but in order to see this episode, you need to purchase Supergirl which is another amazing series. Furthermore and to assist with the fun and sometimes over the top characters, the writing of The Flash is great and there’s some interesting character development for all, except for Joe who kind of takes a back seat in this season, even though we are introduced to his son Wally West (Keiynan Lonsdale) who becomes ‘Kid Flash’ in Season 3.
There’s also a new romance for Barry with newcomer Patty Spivot (Shantel Van Santen), Joe’s partner in the Central City police force but as we all know, the Flash still has eyes on Iris. Needless to say, there’s some great chemistry between both actors and Patty becomes a great addition to the show. Add in a romance between Caitlin and Jay plus lots of drama, action and of course comedy and season 2 of The Flash hits all the right boxes for this enjoyable TV superhero series. Another cool aspect is that Mark Hamill reprises his role of the Trickster which is a fun episode and for those of you old enough to remember he played this character way back in the 1990 series of The Flash that starred John Wesley Shipp as the hero.
However in this new version, Shipp plays Barry’s father who does have a bigger role in this season after being set free for being unjustly jailed for his wife’s murder in the previous season. So even though Barry loses his powers for a few episodes, he eventually gets them back in order to go head to head with Zoom and there is a fun twist in Season 2 but most people guessed it quite early. Also the ending is a little clichéd as Barry interferes with the timeline (again) and he should know by now that this is not a good thing to do.
Video, Audio & Special Features
The season 2 of The Flash is flawless with great video and audio quality which really complements this high quality series. For special features, this release is brimming with almost 4 hours of information from special effects to comic-con panels and a great Kevin Smith featurette on the episode he directed and what this speedster means to him. Add in gag reels which are always funn plus some deleted scenes and there’s quite a bit to explore after finishing this series.
Final Thoughts?
All in all, Season 2 of The Flash was another enjoyable ride as characters were further explored and we discovered that a multiverse of Earths exists outside this realm of existence, including Supergirl. It will be interesting to see how season 3 of The Flash plays out but I for one am eager to see, especially with the inclusion of ‘Kid Flash’ in the show. Let’s just hope there is some more consistency in the episodes because a few of them missed the mark but overall, it was a better season than the first.
Blu-ray Details
Actors – Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Danielle Panabaker, Carlos Valdes, Tom Cavanagh, Jesse L. Martin
Film Genre – TV Action
Label – Roadshow
Audio – English (DTS-HD 5.1)
Subtitles – English
Aspect Ratio – 1.78:1
Region Coding – B (Blu-Ray)
TV Standard – PAL
Rating – M
Consumer Advice Line – Mature themes and violence
Year of Release – 2015
Primary Format – Movies/TV – Blu-Ray