BBelle Interview (uTure 2022) @BBelleGames @utureshow
We catch-up with BBelle, one of the uTure Show’s 2022 finalists to discuss all things streaming and then some!
Welcome to Impulse Gamer BBelle, so tell us how you got into streaming?
I was a really big fan of Twitch at the time and had already been creating vod content for over a year. I felt like live-streaming was such a cool way to connect with people in the gaming space that I HAD to try it out.
What were your biggest challenges in becoming a video game influencer?
One of my biggest challenges was just learning how to make content. Understanding to record, edit, and post videos was really difficult. It took a lot of failed videos and attempts to really get the hang of it.
Can you tell us about the equipment you are using?
I’ve used tons of different equipment over the years but right now I’d have to say that Elgato is the top dog for streaming equipment. The Stream Deck, Capture Cards, Green Screen, Key Lights, and Cam Link are just some of the products I use on a day to day basis. I use Beacn Products for audio. Their Beacn Mic and Mix Create are such a game changer for me.
How is your online persona different from other influencers?
I find myself to be really friendly and charismatic to every person I meet in the world of gaming. I have this drive and unmatched passion for what I do that really translates to the videos I make as well as the streams I produce. I’m exactly the same on and off camera, a big quirky and a bit of a screamer too.
Favourite platform?
PC!!! Nothing beats 144+ frames.
Tell us your funniest streaming story?
Oh gosh, I think I embarrass myself everytime I hit the go live button. I start my stream COUNTLESS times muted, and it’s a running joke in my community. I also have this saying “eat a sock” that originated from me raging at a player in Fortnite, which is still the weirdest and best community joke.
Most embarrassing?
I’ve had my fair share of accidental go lives which is the most awkward thing ever.
What advice would you give up and coming streamers?
Make content outside of just the platform you stream on! It’s really important to diversify your audience. Make TikToks on some of the best moments from your streams and let people know that you stream on [Twitch/YouTube]. If you don’t make other content, no one will find you.
And how do you become known in such a very crowded platform?
I think it’s way more important to spend time producing videos and clips than it is streaming 8 hours a day. Spend 5 hours creating awesome content from your streams and then 3 hours actually live. It’s a system that’s proven to work so I definitely recommend it.
Who’s your favourite streamer and why?
QuarterJade for sure. She has this charisma and unbothered personality that is honestly inspiring. She does not care what other people think and is so relatable. She is also CRACKED at Valorant.
Lastly… how do you relax?
Reading! I also spend time playing games on my Switch and just allowing myself to decompress. Also, having a pet is a big plus.
Check out BBelle at