ANDREW LORENZO INTERVIEW (YOU’RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN!) @GeelongArts @whatsonproductioncompany
We catch-up with actor Andrew Lorenzo to discuss his new role in YOU’RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN! that is also part of Geelong’s first professional theatre company, the What’s On Production Company!
So tell us how you became involved in YOU’RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN!?
I heard about the auditions when I was working on Jersey Boys. Paul was the Director of course for Jersey Boys. I was really excited to hopefully be part of Geelong’s first Professional Theatre company as well as the idea of working with Paul again. So I sent him self test, and the rest is history!
How would you describe YOU’RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN!?
This show represents so much. It’s not just a fun one for the kids, but it addresses real life issues. For example, depression, anxiety, even addiction. There’s so much fun, but there’s also such a great take-home message. Aside from all of those other issues, one of the main morals of the story is that it’s OK to be yourself. Every single character goes through that.
Tell us a little about your character in YOU’RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN! and what you are most looking forward to about your performance?
I’ll be playing Charlie Brown. He’s a kid who tries to do the right thing but never perceives the right thing as actually happening. He tries to find the good in everything and ultimately needs to build is confidence. I’m very excited about taking that journey with him as I believe that’s something we all struggle with in some way.
What resonates the most with you about this musical and how is it different to other performances?
It is a very different role to other ones that I’ve played. Only ever played a child one other time for the musical Blood Brothers. But that wasn’t for the entire show. It was only for a portion of it. This is a lot of fun because it allows us to get back to our roots in terms of just having fun and playing around. It’s very different from, my last role as Tommy Devito and Jersey boys and I’m just really excited to have a play and explore a different range of possibilities for a character.
How would you describe the music behind YOU’RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN!?
The music is just a lot of fun. It’s upbeat and at some point it’s pretty encouraging. It allows us to put forth a lot of amazing energy as it is filled with fun and excitement.
Lastly, you’re performing at the all-new Story House theatre at the Geelong Arts Centre, how did you maximise this space for your performance?
Essentially being able to utilize the space. We were lucky enough to be able to rehearse in the wonderful MDX which gave us the exact dimensions that we needed to get used to it. Now seeing all the sets in place, it’s time to have fun.
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