Age of Empires Livestream to Share New Details
The Age of Empires team has announced a special livestream event for February 24 at 4 AM AEDT/6 AM NZDT, which will feature a first look at Age of Empires Mobile, a sneak peek at the hotly anticipated Age of Mythology: Retold, and a host of other Age of Empires-related updates that will set the stage for 2024.
Additionally, the New Year, New Age livestream event will be hosted by YouTube star and Age of Empires super-fan Welyn. Along with hosting the livestream, Welyn will also be co-broadcasting it on his Twitch channel.
The broadcast will be available to watch on the following channels:
- Age of Empires Twitch
- Age of Empires YouTube
- Xbox Twitch
- Welyn’s Twitch Channel
- Red Bull Gaming YouTube Channel
- HuyaTV, DouyuTV, and Bilibili in China
Full details on today’s announcement can be found here.
More information on the New Year New Age broadcast will be announced leading up to February 24, so be sure to stay tuned to Xbox Wire and for all the latest news.