I'm not sure how to take this game but if you know anything about
the TV series Survivor, than you know it's all about challenges and
more specifically the group dynamics which developers Smack Down
Productions have attempted to recreate.
Of course with so many interactive sport games on the
Nintendo Wii, it was inevitable that someone attempted to create the
virtual experience of this popular TV series and this my dear
readers is Survivor the video game!

The problem with a game such as
Survivor is trying to build any real tension between the characters
in the game. Although you do need to step up to the dreaded Tribal
Council, you really don't care about these virtual characters and
like a racing game, if you don't win, you lose. This is how the
Tribal Council is basically run in the game. With
that pushed to the side for a moment, Survivor is a mid-budget game that in
essence is a collection of 25 mini-games. Some good and some bad.
Win the game and more specifically,
the immunity idol and this will prevent your character from being voted
out by the other members of your tribe. Of course, creating all that
backstabbing and tension is relatively impossible on the Wii, unless
of course you're going online.
In terms of the games, they
are quite diverse and include things like "fishing" for food, "food
tasting" and various other races and challenges that is
reminiscent of the game. Where I do commend the
developers is that they have included the Wii Balance Board as a
control option which actually works quite well on a few games.

There's another issue with the Wii
Balance Board. If you don't own one, the gameplay is rather
lacklustre for certain games and it seems like a doppelganger of Wii Sports or Wii
Resort, however the fun factor is a little lacking. As a solo game
and if you bought this game or any other Wii Sports clone title,
than you're probably suffering from depression and for
Survivor, like the aforementioned titles, you really need to play
this game with other people to be enjoyed.
single-player, the game plays more like the TV Series, whereas in
multiplayer, the experience is improved with other people which
allows you to cheer or egg on your competitors. There are also some
unlockable challenges in the game, provided you can beat the
challenges and in terms of replay value, this is strictly a party
game affair.
For the purists, Survivor contains the following 25 mini-games;
- Swimming, Balancing
- Jungle Targets
- Pirogues
- Fishing
- Mazes
- Paragliding
- Sling shot
- Food tasting
- Submarine fishing
- Underwater stones
- Falling stones
- Rafting
- Javelin
- Tam-Tam
- Long jumping
- Robin Jungle
- Sharks
- Sailing Races
- Precious water
- Tyrol game
- Assault course
- Orientation race
- Poles & Shi Fu Mi
Graphics? For a third party game, the
graphics of Survivor Wii are actually quite good and they have
successfully... to an extent created that jungle atmosphere. The
characters move well, although at times, there is some issues with
their movement but on a whole, the lighting, water and environments
are good. Jeff Probst from the TV series also graces the game,
including that Survivor-esq music plus some eye brow raising

Survivor isn't a bad game, nor is it a
good game but rather, it sits somewhere in the middle of the grand
scheme of things. I've seen quite a few worse third party "party"
games available for the Wii but surprisingly the challenges in this
game work well with the control system of the Wii. It's a shame that
only 5 games support the balance board but playing poles in the game
is actually fun, especially seeing how long you can hold your
balance. 10 for effort, 6 for gameplay and if you're a fan of the TV
series, the game might score a 7.