UnoTelly approached Impulse Gamer in order to review
their UnoDNS service. This service basically allows non-US residents
(like Impulse Gamer in Australia) access to blocked geographic content.
Without this service, the user cannot
access certain content in the US such as latest episodes
from the Comedy Channel (e.g. South Park/The Daily Show with Jon
Stewart), SyFy Channel (Ghost Hunters, Alphas) and National Graphic
(Chasing UFO's, Tabboo) for example.
Given this service, I must
admit that I was a little curious to UnoTelly as I think I've lost
count of the number of times I've visited a US website which has
refused me access to their videos.

Syfy Channel - Full Access

Syfy Episodes

Syfy - Haunted Highway Episode.
This is not the case with UnoTelly which tricks these websites into
giving you full access to their videos. More importantly, for those
living outside the US, can you access online television services
(for a cost) like NetFlix and Hulu Plus who have a huge backlog of US
television shows.
It's quite unparalleled and best of all, the pseudo DNS that comes with UnoTelly
supports a 1000MBit connection, so can you expect some extremely
smooth streaming. The product works best on a PC or Mac and to an
extent, you can use other devices like an iPhone, PlayStation 3 or
other devices.
Setting up UnoTelly
is a little awkward but the creators ensure some very useful
screenshots and information to get you going. Basically, all you
need to do is change the DNS setting on your computer to reflect the
UnoTelly DNS. Information sent through the DNS also uses 256-bit
encryption to protect your data so it's quite safe to use.
However once the
DNS is changed on your PC, it basically opens up geo-restricted
content to anyone outside of the United States and considering that
we're based in Australia, it worked perfectly. The only other
tweaking you need to do is to inform UnoDNS of your IP address. But
once setup, we were ready to explore the world of American TV.
There are also
three versions of UnoTelly available. A free version, a premium plan
and a gold plan. The premium and gold plans come at a cost but it
does give you access to a considerable amount of additional US
Premium Plan

Gold Plan

So does it work? You betcha! By
accessing, I was able to access a plethora of TV shows that
included Ghost Hunters International, Haunted Highway and SGU (shame
it's been cancelled).
Whether I was accessing the Military
History Channel, Disney, CBS, Fox Network or Nickelodeon, UnoTelly
DNS gave me full access. This means I didn't have to pay our local
provider Foxtel (Australia's largest Cable TV provider) or way
months or even years until it was shown on free to air TV.

Star Wars the Clone Wars - available
to anyone via UnoTelly
Another benefit is for gamers because
if you change the DNS settings, this gives you full access to the
PSN Store and XBox Live in the united states for the latest games
and demos. Also, ny downloading apps for the 360 or PS3 such as Vudu
and Amazon, this allows you to watch US content without any
geographic filtering. Of course, there is a price involved if you
want to use these apps on your 360 or PS3 which is generally charged
per movie.
So is it for you? If you love TV from
the US, then yes but you probably need a little computer knowledge
to successfully use this service but once you have it running, it's
pretty much a flawless service. The only issue is that you need to
update your IP address which is a pain and the DNS settings. There
is a free tool to download that updates automatically but it is a
little fiddle some to use.
At the end of the day, UnoTelly DNS is
a very impressive service which opens US and UK content to the
world. As mentioned the premium and gold service comes at a monthly
cost but if in doubt, check out the free version and even better,
sign up with either Netflix or Hulu Plus for one month free to see
if UnoTelly works for you.
Why wait for your free to air TV shows,
check out UnoTelly DNS at!