iOS has dozens of variations of the original board game SCRABBLE
but nothing really compares to this game in terms of true gaming
fun. In essence, Scrabble is a board game that requires
players to make words from a set number of letters. You are then
awarded points from the amount of letters in the word to where they
are placed on the board which may increase the value or letters of
your words. Simply but ingenious!

Thankfully EA have just released version 3.4.0 of Scrabble for the
iOS that supports a wide variety of features that takes this
franchise to the 21st century mobile gaming platform. Apart from the
ability of playing in 6 different languages, the game also has
access to the Collins Official Scrabble Wordlist and a healthy
amount of multiplayer options. In terms of multiplayer, gamers can
play with friends from Facebook, EA Origin or even random players
from the web (too slow though) plus the ability of Pass'n Play.
Players can still play solo and the game offers three levels of
difficulty and the ability to tweak the game from Classic to various
point and round games. For those new to Scrabble, the teacher
function supports you in mastering the game and the best word option
finds the best word available to the player. It's great for
newcomers and pure gaming fun for veterans.

Graphically, the game is reminiscent of the board game, however it
is far superior on an iPad compared to an iPhone due to the size of
the screen. As the Scrabble board is so large, at times it is
difficult to navigate on the smaller iPhone as the screen enlarges
to a particular area of the board. It's still playable but
considerably better on the iPad.
Final Thoughts?
conclusion, Scrabble of for the iOS is a flawless game on this
system that can be played either solo or with other people. Not only
does it pay homage to the original game but its quite engaging to
play on the iOS, especially with other players from around the
globe. Even if you have never played Scrabble before, the tutorial
at the start and the Scrabble Teacher will help you master this game
that can be played over and over again.
only is it fun to play but it's great brain food!