Conserve AV Surge Protector with Wireless Remote
for Home Theatre

Surge protectors are a vital accessory to have for anything electrical in
your home or office, whether it's for computers or home theatre
equipment. Interestingly enough, most people believe that surge protectors
only just protect equipment from electrical power disturbances, however
those innovative people at Belkin have come up with one of the most
ingenious ideas to date with the Conserve AV Surge Protector.

Apart from surge protection, this eco-conscious device targets one of the most
continuous wastes of
energy which is standby power, sometimes referred to as vampire power.
This means that most items connected to the mains use
standby power when not in use such as gaming peripherals, TV's and
computers. As our homes and offices become inundated with a wide myriad
of technology devices, these devices that use standby power definitely
adds up in wasted energy and money. However, thanks to Belkin, we were given the chance to test this
dare I say, miraculous device that comes with a wireless remote switch
to ensure that your equipment is not using standby power.
Lifetime Product Replacement Warranty Belkin will replace, free of charge, any Belkin surge protector that
is defective or expires after protecting your electronic devices.
Hassle Free Connected Equipment Warranty Belkin will repair or replace any equipment damaged by a surge, spike,
or lightning strike while properly connected to a Belkin surge
protector, up to $250,000
8 Surge Protected AC Outlets: Provides protection against electrical
power disturbances such as surges, spikes and lightning strikes that are
carried through your electrical wiring and outlets.
Wireless Remote: The wireless RF remote can control up to eight
Conserve Surge Protectors for even greater energy savings.
Dual 2.2GHz F-type Coaxial Protection: Provides protection against
lightning strikes that travel down the aerial or satellite dish.
Recessed Sockets: The recessed sockets are an additional safety
feature designed to reduce the risk of electrocution.
Cable Managetment: The cable management clip keeps cables neat and
EMI/RFI Noise Filtration - 150kHz~100MHz: Electromagnetic
interference/radio frequency interference causes AC line contamination
that leads to audio/video interference.
Joule Rating - 1836J: A joule is the measurement of energy a surge
protector can absorb. A higher joule rating reflects higher-quality
surge protection and longer product life.
Protected indicators: The indicator shows that your surge protector is
working properly.
This raises the question about what happens to devices that need to use
standby power? Well my friends, Belkin have addressed this issue by splitting the board
into two sections which include two switched sockets (always on) and six
remote switched sockets (allowed to be turned off).
devices such as DVRs, Foxtel or TIVO need to be connected to standby
power permanently in order to keep configuration settings and download
the latest program guides. Thus the reason why Belkin have included
two sockets that do not get switched off when you click the switch.
So what other appliances consume standby power? Quite a few actually and Belkin have give us
a few examples of what can become quite a costly experience for users.
Television, DVD Player, Blu-Ray player, CD Player, AV Receiver,
Amplifier, Subwoofer, Gaming Console, Stereo System, Set-top box, MP3
player/charger, Antenna Signal Booster and many more. A recent study has
shown that the PlayStation 3, followed by a Plasma TV consume the most
power while in standby, closely followed by the XBox 360. Interesting
enough, the PlayStation 3 uses 10 times more power in Standby mode than
the Nintendo Wii.
Apart from standard surge protection such as spikes, the device offers protection for PAY TV
Aerial Protection. This means that should your antenna or pay TV dish be
struck by lightning, the device will ensure to protect any device
connected to the unit. It should be noted that the device comes with Belkin's Lifetime Warranty
with up to $250,000 connected equipment warranty, ensuring the best
peace of mind available. In laymen's terms this guarantees the user that
Belkin will repair or replace and equipment that has been damaged by
surges, spikes or lightning strikes that have been properly connected to
the surge protector.
Installation? What installation! The installation of Conserve AV Surge
Protector with Wireless Remote for Home Theatre was pure bliss and it
also gave us a chance to tidy up our wiring which included LG Plasma TV,
TIVO, PlayStation 3, XBox 360, Nintendo Wii and Logitech Z-5500 Surround
Sound system.
We connected the TIVO to one of the Switched Sockets
(Always on) because every time the TIVO loses power, we need to wait
sometimes up to 15-minutes for the device to reconfigure. However all
the other devices were simply connected to the Remote Switch Sockets as
they are not required to be on 24x7.
Although the board contains a manual switch for the remote switched
sockets, where this device excels even more is through the Wireless
Remote Switch that allows the user to turn off these devices by the
press of a button. Although you can have this device neatly sitting on
your coffee table or desk, the unit also comes with a Wall-mount bracket
that allows you to attach this to your wall and perhaps next to your
light switch. Once setup, everything was working perfectly and best of
all, our devices were protected from not only electrical surges but also
The device boasts EMI/RFI Noise Filtration of 150kHz ~ 100MHz system,
ensuring that electromagnetic and radio interference does not
audio and video. As we had cleared out cabling up, we did not notice an
improvement over electromagnetic contamination, especially with our
Nintendo Wii which was prone to it by displaying at times, snow on our
screen. This was now a thing of the last.
For TV, The device offers Dual 2.2Ghz F-type Coaxial Protection which
insulates the coaxial cable from lighting strikes via your TV or Foxtel
Dish, so if you do hampen to be effected by an act of god, it may travel
down the coaxial wire, however the Conserve AV Surge Protector will
ensure that your devices are as protected as best possible.
So how do
you know if your devices are protected? The device contains a green LED
that when lit, indicates that your devices are surge protected. One
thought though as generally these surge protectors are hidden away, it
would have been nice if a light was also included on the remote as well.
Lastly, the Conserve AV Surge Protector is combatable with multiple
Conserve channel units thanks to the 8 individual channel settings which
allows you to control multiple units in different zones of your home. All I can say is that I wish I had this
much hindsight as Belkin!
Continuous Duty Electrical Rating: 240V/10A/50Hz/2400W
Maximum Energy Dissipation: 1836 Joules
Maximum Spike Current: 72,000Amps
Maximum Spike Voltage: 6,000 Volts
Response Time: Less than 1 Nanosecond
EMI/RFI Noise Filtration: 150kHz~100MHz up to 58dB reduction
F-Type Protection: Yes, dual 2.2Ghz
Wireless Remote: Radio Frequency with a range up to 20m
Wireless Remote Battery: User replaceable, A23 (12V)
In conclusion, this eco-conscious device is a must have piece of
technology for your home or office that not only saves you power but in
turn assists with environment without leaving too much of a carbon
It also ensures that your expensive
appliances are protected from a variety of electrical dangers plus
Belkin's great Lifetime Warranty is another bonus that should not be
scoffed at.
Although other companies are
travelling down the eco-conscious path as Belkin, this is probably the
best device available that comes highly recommended by Impulse Gamer and
is definitely a contender for product of the year!
Amazing! |