IRT Deadliest Roads Season 2
the success of IRT Deadliest Roads Season 1 which saw a group of
elite American and one Canadian truck drivers traverse some of the
world's most deadliest roads in the Himalayas, the history channel has
once again brought these truckers together again in order to tackle the
Andes Mountains which can only be described as pure craziness.
like India, these truckers are once again facing unsafe tiny roads with
sheer drops of thousands of feet, landfalls, waterfalls and local
drivers which from one false move, could mean the difference between
life and death. It's basically everything you don't want on a road when
driving. Welcome to Deadliest Roads Season 2!

2 sees the return of some familiar faces that include Lisa Kelly, Dave
Redmon and Rick Yemm. However Dave and Rick decide to leave early on in
the series due to the unsafe trucks that they drive and some personality
clashes. Needless to say, it helps with the drama of this pseudo
documentary. Joining Lisa are the two new IRT truckers, Tino Rodriguez
and Tim Zickuhr, two rookie drivers who believe they are just as good as
the veterans.
Spotters also play a key role to these roads who assist the drivers in
navigating these dangerous roads. Tino and Tim are one team, however
when Dave left, Lisa was forced to drive these roads alone, until joined
by veteran driver G.W. Boles which causes more tension of fan favourite,
Lisa. Lastly we have Hugh Rowland, a veteran driver from the United
States whose tough as nails approach and experience makes him perfect
for driving on these dangerous roads.

Episode Listing of Season 2
The Death Road
Rise of the Rookies
Lisa vs. The Devil's Bridge
The Replacement Trucker
Death Race
The Flattest Place on Earth
Oxygen Required
Desert Disaster
The Hangover
Dead Man's Canyon
King of the Road
Bull Run

series starts with a bang that is entitled "The Death Road" and
reintroduces the viewers to some of the most dangerous roads in the
world. The drivers are teamed up for support but the personality clashes
are just as dangerous as the roads themselves. As the series progresses,
the drivers become more accustomed to these roads, however on more than
one occasion, each driver has their own run with death as they make
their way up these roads to unload their cargo.
season one, there is plenty of opportunities to learn about the drivers
themselves such as Tim's overtly American personality who even joins in
with the locals for some very amusing shenanigans or Lisa who sometimes
look like a doe in the lights. Nonetheless, IRT Deadliest Roads Season 2
is a thrilling TV series that will force you onto the edge of your seat
as these truckers drive obsolete trucks on some of the world's most
dangerous roads!