Falling Skies the Complete Second Season
fans of science fiction, the TV was once bristling with excellent sci-fi
series such as Stargate, Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek, Firefly
and so many more, however somewhere along the line, this genre has
tapered off. Fortunately there are still some great sci-fi series still
around such as Haven and more importantly Falling Skies which is
one of those great series.

those who have not seen the first season of Falling Skies
(Recommended), it revolves around the premise that mankind has been
devastated by an alien attack. As a result, it has left Earth in a post
apocalyptic world of chaos and this story is how humanity is trying to
reclaim their inheritance. The star of Falling Skies is Noah Wyle who
plays Tom Mason, a resistance fighter who is helping with this task but
sometime things never go according to plan. The best part of Season 2 is
that the stories are less clichéd and more engaging, especially the
characterisation of the characters with more time given to the
supporting cast.
2 sees the return of Tom who was previously on board an alien spacecraft
at the end of Season 1 in order to free his son, however when he returns
to the 2nd Massachusetts (aka 2nd Mass) which was originally a 300
strong army is considerably much smaller. They are also on a mission to
reach Charleston where a new government is believed to be established
and may be the key to humanity. We also learn through some clever
flashbacks that Tom met an alien Overlord and to the detriment of
humans, they do not want peace.

Joining Tom is Captain Weaver (Will Patton) who is almost the polar
opposite of Tom, however they both share a common purchase. Patton is
excellent as the Captain and lends an element of military realism to the
story. Another interesting character is Pope who has taken command of
the Berserkers, a renegade splinter of the 2nd Mass which does create a
large faction with the team. It is also good to see the relationship
between Anne, the medic of the 2nd Mass and Tom move closer that does
serve as a beacon of hope in the series.
Final Thoughts?
times, Falling Skies is reminiscent of The Walking Dead with its gritty
stories and grim characters, however there also elements of Battlestar
Galactica and Stargate thrown into the mix as well. Needless to say as
season 2 progresses, the 2nd Mass do take some huge causalities as it's
great to see the battles between the skitters (the aliens) and the 2nd
Mass which once again leaves the series on a huge cliff-hanger with a
deadly threat just waiting around the corner.
What a
brilliant series and if you're a fan of quality made sci-fi's than
Falling Skies is a must see show.
Episode Listing
Shall we gather at the River
Young Bloods
Love and other Acts of Courage
Malon Labe
Death March
The Price of Greatness
A More Perfect Union
Special Features
Page at a Time: Writing the 2nd American Revolution - The Skitter
Evolution - A Fan's Perspective: Touring the set of Falling Skies -
Behind the Scenes - Season 2 Animated Trailer, created by Dark Horse
Comics - Season 3 Preview & Audio Commentaries