Originally a T for Teen rating, some time in early May of 2006 the
software ratings board had announced they re-rated The Elder Scrolls
IV Oblivion for the PC and Xbox 360 from T for teen to an M for
Mature. The ESRB stated that Bethesda Softworks the games developers
did not properly report that the game had some objectionable content
when the game was submitted the game rating. Bethesda and it's co
publisher are working on placing the new "M" rating stickers on
packaging now in retail warehouses, and will also reflect the new
rating on newly manufactured product of the game. Bethesda made
this statement release:
Bethesda Softworks made what it believes was a
full, accurate, and comprehensive submission on Oblivion to the ESRB
months before the game's release. Bethesda used the ESRB's
application forms and believes it adhered closely to their
requirements. Nothing was hidden from the ratings agency. No effort
was made by Bethesda to lobby or influence the agency for any
particular rating.
The ESRB has concluded that the game deserves
a rating of Mature because: 1) partial nudity in the PC version of
the game can be created by modders; and 2) the game contains
excessive blood and gore that go beyond a Teen rating. The facts are
as follows:
There is no nudity in Oblivion without a third
party modification. In the PC version of the game only - this
doesn't apply to the Xbox 360 version - some modders have used a
third party tool to hack into and modify an art archive file to make
it possible to create a mesh for a partially nude (topless) female
that they add into the game. Bethesda didn't create a game with
nudity and does not intend that nudity appear in Oblivion. There is
no nude female character in a section of the game that can be
"unlocked." Bethesda can not control tampering with Oblivion by
third parties. Bethesda is taking steps to ensure that modders can
not continue to hack into Oblivion's art archives to create
partially nude figures.
With regard to violence, Bethesda advised the
ESRB during the ratings process that violence and blood effects were
"frequent" in the game - checking the box on the form that is the
maximum warning. We further advised that the game contained
occasional torture, vulgar acts, and gore. We gave accurate answers
and descriptions about the type and frequency of violence that
appears in the game. We submitted a 60-page document listing the
explicit language, acts, and scenes in the game. Oblivion packaging
already contains warnings for "Violence" and "Blood and Gore."
We value the role of the ESRB and believe the
rating agency plays a valuable role in regulating our industry. As
always, we will continue work in good faith to comply fully with the
ESRB's standards and policies.
We remain enormously proud of Oblivion and the
standard of excellence in game development it represents. Oblivion
is one of the highest rated games of all time and one of the most
popular games available on the Xbox 360 and the PC. We greatly
appreciate the understanding and support of our fans.

Since this was a interesting tid bit, I thought I would share the
press release, now on with the review.
Oblivion is a massive game where you can play any way you want, and
take however long you want. You can just stick to the main quest, or
you can venture off into the wilderness and hunt for rare treasures
and fight off an array of creatures hiding in caves, at forts and
many other places. Oblivion is a work of art in more ways
than one, and is certainly an addictive game.
start off in a dungeon cell, and before you know it, the Emperor
dies and you find yourself searching for the believed heir. Slowly
but surely the safety barrier between Tamriel and the Daedric lands
lower, and Oblivion gates start opening. During game play, you can
join guilds if you wish, or just wander freely on your own. You can
join with the Fighters Guild, Thieves Guild, Mages Guild, or the
Dark Brotherhood, and the option of working your way up the chain in
a guild is always present.

in all, the world in which you play in is huge. If you wonder,
“Hmmm, I wonder if I can go climb that mountain way over there,” you
can! There are mountains, caves and caverns, bodies of water to
explore, and lots of buildings in each of the different cities. You
can go to the Imperial City (where you start in), Anvil, Bruma,
Chorrol, Leyawiin, Skingrad, Cheydinhal, Bravil, and the ruined
Kvatch, where an Oblivion gate has been opened.
Like first-person view? You’ve got it. Prefer third-person? You’ve
got it. There are so many things you can choose in this game it’s
incredible. You choose your race, gender, age, skills, birthsign,
abilities, and even exactly how your character looks. You can change
the face shape, bone structure, hair, skin tone, and makeup.
Birthsigns include Mage, Thief, Warrior, Shadow, Lover, Ritual,
Serpent, Lady, Lord, and several others. In-game, you can choose to
obey the law, or break it. The ability to break into people’s homes
can be more than tempting for many. Just make sure to have plenty of
lockpicks and don’t get caught by the guards!

controls take a little bit to get used to. Once you have gotten them
down, doing things in a jiffy become so much easier when you figure
out shortcuts, like hotkeying your spells, and being able to switch
from a bow to a sword or another melee weapon. Getting really good
at the controls comes in handy when battling all sorts of nasty
Graphics play an important role in sucking the player into the game
world. Oblivion has no trouble with sucking you into its
beautiful and sometimes frightening world. The graphics are amazing,
and great detail goes into every aspect of the game. After escaping
the dungeon in the beginning of the game, the most likely remark
when seeing the outside world for the first time is, “Wow…”
Music also plays a big part in the game. Listen to the music and you
will be able to tell when danger is near. When the music changes
again, danger may be gone. Listen to the differences throughout the
game, and you will learn what the changes mean. The sounds and music
of Oblivion are very well done, and definitely add to the
overall game experience.
Since the game world is so large, the option to fast travel comes in
handy. If you do not feel like spending time running around on foot,
you can get a horse and go a bit quicker along your way, or fast
travel. However, you can only fast travel to place that you have
already visited and have marked on your map. If you feel like
getting a horse, you can either buy one or steal one. Be careful
with stealing one though. Theft is a serious crime and will get you
thrown into jail if you are caught. Notice I said IF you are caught.
If you have got your horse but it keeps getting attacked by random
creatures, like wolves in the wilderness or flying imps, you could
log onto Xbox Live and download the horse armor pack. Then, your
horse will be quite a bit more prepared for annoying creatures and
Daedric beings.

top of the downloadable horse armor, you can also download more
quests if you would like. You do not necessarily have to take on the
quests right away, but they are nice to have available when you want
to try something different.
thing that will excite the vampire fans out there is the fact that
in this game, surprise, there are vampires. Another thing that will
excite them is that, yes, your character can turn into a vampire. It
can be a complete blessing, or a horrible curse, depending on how
you play it out. You can become an extremely powerful being if you
play your cards right. Getting to hunt around in the night can be
fun, but you have to find sleeping victims to feed on. If you play a
vampire, also be very careful with fast travel, if you like to use
it. Keep an eye on the in-game time, because although it may be
nighttime where you are at now, it might be daytime by the time you
get to your destination. Also make sure you feed often enough. The
longer you go without blood, the more your appearance changes, and
can seriously hinder your interaction with people. With the bonuses
of being a vampire come the big prices, unfortunately.
Overall, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is an amazing game
that deserves to be played by many. If you have not gotten the
chance to play it, or if you are wondering if it’s worth the money,
this game is worth every cent you pay. Just get ready for hours upon
hours of game play and possibly some sleep deprivation.
Shael Millheim
Kick back relax, let's play.