It’s hard to believe
that CAPCOM’s Street Fighter series has been around for 20 years
that has not only spawned a live action movie but also an anime
series about these wonderful and sometimes over the top characters.
In relation to the gaming world, Street Fighter has always been
synonymous to the fighting genre and after a lengthy time in the
gaming wilderness, the franchise has finally returned to the world
of home gaming.

With that said,
Street Fighter IV is actually based on the latest arcade fighter and
it has been flawlessly converted to the XBox 360 featuring state of
the art and anime inspired graphics plus a great in-game engine.
After mixed reviews with the previous Street Fighter games, Street
Fighter IV is a fan’s dream come true that can also be accessed by the
broader gaming community.
The originally Street Fighter was a 2D fighter and as the gaming
world has evolved, so has the latest incarnation of the franchise
which now boasts an interactive 3D environment and wonderfully
designed 3D characters. Ironically, the title has a 2D feel to the
fighting, ensuring that much of the original gameplay remains in
tact, however with a 21st century feel. It should be noted that all
the greats of the Street Fighter mythos return in the latest
incarnation from fan favourites that include Ryu, Guile and some new
updated characters.

Where the game does devolve from the
original is the use of the 3D environment and the characters,
however when it comes to the main gameplay, it becomes a side
scrolling fighter with a variety of great Street Fighter maneuvers
that include classics maneuvers and some new ones to boot. Some of
the special maneuvers that are available to you, provided you can
pull them off does make use of the 3D world with a brief cut
scene which actually assists with the enjoyment of the title.
Although the game may seem like a button masher to some gamers,
Street Fighter IV is actually quite complex at times and uses just
about all the buttons on the 360 controller, ensuring a variety of
different moves and blocks.
The controls are reminiscent of
the previous games, however the latest version has been tweaked for improved
gameplay and faster response times. Even so, you don’t have to be
reliant on all the buttons to win as more casual gamers can easily
pickup this title and start playing, depending on which difficulty
they choose to play.
The more seasoned fighting professional will be
pleased with the ultra combo’s that are available or a mixture
between focused and super. Whether competing against an AI player
which can be difficult at times or a human player, the developers
ensure for a rather fair balance that is great as the title does get
ridiculously hard after the first one to five encounters.

Graphically the title is a visual
delight on the XBox 360 with detailed and colourful interactive
environments, however the stars of the game is the characters
themselves who move like Jacki Chan on speed. There are even some
anime inspired cut scenes that flawlessly meld with the in-game
graphics engine and the game does pay homage to the Street Fighter
games of yesterday. Musically, the title features your robust Street
Fighter Soundtrack with over the top voice acting and some great
sound effects. You can even listen to the cut scenes in Japanese if
that is your forte.
At the end of the day, CAPCOM have created a true successor to the
Street Fighter series with great anime inspired graphics and good
old fashioned fighting fun that has probably not been seen in quite
some time. Although it’s easy to pick up the controller and start
fighting, mastering the title is a little more difficult, however
the journey is definitely worth it.
Check it out!