Snoopy Flying Ace
Xbox Live Arcade

Such a well loved franchise, such an
incredibly fun game. Snoopy Flying Ace is much to my surprise a sequel
to an older game Snoopy Vs the Red Baron that had come out back in 2006.
Our funny looking dog with the big black nose is flying high in several
missions in outlandish planes, all sporting various oversized weapons
and engines.

The game is simple enough to play and even
its cartoon violence is actually kid friendly… (No one dies; they just
blow up and parachute to earth.) It is next to impossible to smash into
objects or the ground and get destroyed, unless the health is very low
of course. Most times the characters plane bounces of an object taking a
small amount of damage as a result.
Kid friendly and yet the game is challenging enough to keep any adult
happy. Players can jump right into the cockpit with this downloadable
game on Xbox live arcade.

If you are looking for a flight sim, you
will not find it here, if you are looking for a fun time that you will
want to play repeatedly for the out and out fun it brings, sign up and
download Snoopy Flying Ace right now.
Snoopy Flying Ace sports Peanuts stylized WW1 air combat era game with a
nice color palette that lends itself well to the source material. Parts
of the world get the whole Peanuts gang treatment with places like the
Egyptian Sphinx taking on a very beagle like appearance. It is all
whimsical fun in moderately paced flying game.
Single player missions take the player from an intro flight and flying
an obstacle course, learning the controls into a quick pounce mission.
In the middle of the obstacle course, two of the Red Baron’s pilots are
flying in your area, so shooting them down is the next intro to a

Through out the game there will be times
that there are waves of enemy fighters and bombers and even zeppelins.
Never fear there are all kinds of odd weapons to outfit your plane with
to ensure victory, from the standard machine gun, to all kinds of odd
missile projectiles and even shotgun rounds.
The single player game is spectacular; now
add on some multiplayer mayhem and that make this game skyrocket to the
top of our favorites list. The mix of multiplayer in Snoopy Flying Ace
is Free for all, the standard capture the flag style of gaming and other
team based modes. Then to fit the mood and the game there are two
wonderfully fitting game modes. Pig Skin and Dog Pile. Pig Skin is,
well…football in the sky really. Pass the football to teammates and then
fly through the goal posts and score! Defending the end zone is simple
enough; just shoot down the other team. Dog Pile is somewhat weird but
fitting also, you protect a bone from enemy for at least two minutes.

Snoopy Flying Aces is our all time
favourites at this time. This is one of the best titles to grace Xbox
LIVE Arcade. Yes, I know bold statement.
Have fun, play games. Edwin Millheim,
United States Editor Impulse Gamer |