Almost two years after the original Skate game hit the console
world, the franchise returns in Skate 2 that revisits the franchise
with an interesting story and once again the award winning gameplay
of the original with a few new tweaks and twists.

The story,
although clichéd revolves around a “skater” who has been released
from prison after 5-years of incarceration to discover that his home
city New San Vanelona has been thoroughly “redeveloped” by a
nefarious mega-corporation. Now it’s time to return to the skate
scene and challenge the institution in order to rebuild the skate
scene. Unfortunately for you, the authorities have also banned
skating in most parts of the city that makes your challenge a little
more difficult.
Inverts, one-foots, hippy jumps, finger flips, the list goes
A new look and feel to the city... time to make New San Van a
skater's paradise.
Put the two of them together, create your own spots, and
you've got sick new game play.
Hall of Meat: Broken bones anyone?
New and improved skate.Reel: It's back and better than ever.
Deeper Create-A-Skater: Make your skater truly your own.
Before engaging into Skate 2, the game contains a rather apt
tutorial which will teach you the ropes before attempting to start
your skating career. The tutorial will teach you the control system
of the game and a variety of basic maneuvers in order to interact
with the gaming environment.
Although the original game was a rather
realistic skating game, as opposed to the Tony Hawke series, the
control system was for some, a tad difficult to master and
thankfully EA Sports have addressed a variety of control issues,
making this game a very playable skating title.

The game also contains a variety of different gameplay modes
throughout the gaming world from “avoiding” the authorities,
competing challenges from stunts to races and contests with other
skaters and my favourite, the “Own the spot” challenge that if you
can beat the high score in a particular area, that area becomes

You can even create your own spots and upload them to the EA
Server in order for others to attempt to break your challenge which
is a great sense of ownership, depending how good are you.
By making
a name for yourself in the game and by skating on a variety of areas
thanks to Mongocorp which has turned the city into a skating
paradise, competing against other skaters and doing a variety of
photo shoots for magazines, you will eventually reclaim the city and
needless to say it’s going to a be fun albeit frustrating ride.
The control system of Skate 2 has been improved since its
predecessor which uses a variety of buttons on the controller plus
the analog stick which assists in pulling off a variety skating
maneuvers. There’s even a clever “Hall of Meat” mode which
grades your character on the dangerous injuries that you inflict on
your character such breaking your arms or legs which will also allow
you to unlock bonuses.
Of course, there is a free skate mode
for those down times that allows you to explore the gaming environment and just perform a
variety of tricks which is quite fun and less stressfully then the
main game. A fun little side quest!

It should also be noted that Skate 2 contains a decent
online mode which include races, trick events and the likes as you
jump, grind and flip your way to victory. There’s even an off-line
four player mode that includes attempting to beat the other player
through spot battle, hall of meat and S.K.A.T.E. where you attempt
to copy each others moves. Although not as exciting as the online
mode, it does give some great party game options.
Graphically, Skate 2 is a visually impressive game that contains
exceptional character animations and background environments that is
easily one of the most impressive looking skate games available.
Match that with a really thumping soundtrack that include some of
the world’s top artists such as Black Sabbath and the Wu-Tang Clan,
it really helps create a real skatingatmosphere. Of course, there’s some
professional voice acting and a variety of skating-esq sound effects
to nicely compliment the game itself.
With improved gameplay, Skate 2 is definitely a worthy successor
that contains a slick presentation, a decent control system and some
very impressive graphics. The only downside to the game is the
strange way your characters walks, however fortunately you spend
most of your times on your skateboard Some of the
challenges are extremely frustrating in Skate 2, even with our resident skating
guru Rick, however if you persevere, you will equally awarded. Needless to say, Skate 2 is definitely a fun game that we
would recommend to all skating enthusiasts.