Based on the popular
novels by Robert Ludlum, the Bourne Conspiracy arrives on the XBox
360 that promises to transform gamers into Jason Bourne, a former agent
who has lost all memories of the past and is searching for his
identity. Unfortunately for Bourne, he is being tracked by a variety
of nefarious government agents and turncoats as he attempts to
liberate himself and live the life he chooses, not what others have

The game itself is
more based on the novels by Ludlum rather than the movies and even
the main character in the game is as far removed as Matt Damon as
possible which assists in giving ownership of the hero to the gamer.
In its essence, the Bourne Conspiracy is an action adventure game
that has our hero solving puzzles and engaging with a variety of
enemies in order for him to find his destiny.
The combat of the Bourne Conspiracy is rather entertaining, even
though the combat is reliant on two buttons on the XBox 360
controller, X for light attack and Y for heavy attack with the A
button used to block your enemies.
Best of all, you can use these
buttons to perform a variety of combination attacks which spices up
the gameplay and does pay homage to some of the stunts from the
movies. Your character also has the ability to "sense" where his
enemies are located which assists in the gameplay and doesn't make
things too difficult for the gamer.
The game is
also reliant on an adrenaline meter that when it reaches a certain
level, your character is then allowed to perform a vicious takedown
which can also be used on boss characters, however they are not as
powerful as when used against grunts. You can even perform some
"John Woo" style of takedowns and even engage in a variety of foes
with this special maneuver which is kind of cool.

Apart from unarmed
combat, Bourne also has access to a wide variety of weapons which
does make our heroes job easier, although as expected, the enemy
also has access to these weapons but none the less, it makes for
some exciting gameplay. Players are also awarded for their prowess
in the game and are given various unlockable options which although
are nothing too exciting does reward the player for their
Graphically, the Bourne Conspiracy is a visual treat on the XBox 360
with realistic background environments and some great in-game
cutscenes which assist in progressing the storyline. My favourite
aspect which is also reminiscent of the movie is that some scenes of
the game appear to have been taken via handy cam which makes for
some motion sickness and is actually quite cool.
One problem with the
3D interface is that the camera angles are sometimes inappropriate
which does impact on some of the battles. The characters are quite
well animated and have some great looking texture details that when
matched with the lighting and special effects, it's almost as if you
are watching a Hollywood action movie.

The voice acting is
extremely professional and goes hand-in-hand with the gameplay as do
the special effects. Where the game does shine in this department is
with the soundtrack that changes with certain moments in the game
and assists in increasing the adrenaline of the player.
In conclusion, the Bourne Conspiracy is an entertaining game that
most gamers will enjoy from start to finish, however in regards to
playing it again, the title is a little linear in its conception.
Those who may have missed certain puzzles or unlockable content may
want to give it another go but because the game is so story driven,
players will have seen it all before. However it's still
definitively an impressive
game from start to finish with little to complain about it.
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