Monster Madness Battle for Suburbia
Monster Madness Battle for Suburbia is the
latest arcade game for the XBox 360 that is vaguely reminiscent of games
such as Gauntlet and Diablo with its top-down views and almost unlimited
supply of enemies.
Fortunately the title contains 21st century graphics
that go hand-in-hand with this classic gameplay that is heavy with
cliché, stereotypes and a healthy dose of B-movie fun.
The story revolves
around a small town that has become overridden with flesh eating zombies but fortunately for this sleepy hollow, you and your group of
friends have taken upon the challenge of liberating the town.
Before engaging in the gaming environment,
the player has the option of selecting one of four characters, each with
their own look and style, depending on your preferred zombie butt
kicking preference.
Thrown right into the crux of things when
you first srart, your character
must use whatever means available to them to assist in dispatching these
otherworldly creatures and whether it's furniture, lawn mowers or guns,
almost everything in the gaming environment can be used to dispatch
these dastardly creatures from hell.
As you progress through the game,
your characters can also upgrade their weapons and even their abilities,
provided you find Larry, a trucker who happens to have a mobile store
and appears at various stages throughout the game. Larry is not just a
shop keep but also a sage who gives your characters advice on this
otherworldly threat.

As mentioned before the game features a top
down view and the combat is ridiculously addictive and easy to master.
Although the title may seem like a button
masher, the title does offer the gamer a variety of maneuvers and
The only downside of the title is that the combat does become
repetitive as you fight you way through the legions of hell. What really
sets the title apart from other games is the coop mode that is extremely
fun whether through XBox Live or by having a group of friends over for
some Gauntletish style of fun.

Graphically speaking, Monster Madness
Battle for Suburbia is powered by the Unreal 3 engine which is actually
quite strange as the game is not a first person or third person shooter
and the graphics are not that overly detailed.
The background
environments although detailed with objects are a little plain as are
the characters. The title is reminiscent of a Saturday morning cartoon
with its cell-shade menus and quite colourful gaming environments and
what really gives the title that edge are the special effects. Needless
to say, definitely a great title aimed at those younger gamers or for
those older gamers that are over first person shooter and racing games.

As with the graphics, the title features a
subtle soundtrack that assists in immersing you into this gaming world
and match that with clichéd and overthetop voice acting and Monster
Madness Battle for Suburbia really assists in transforming this title
into a bad "B" movie that is actually quite fun when playing with other
players over XBox Live or with friends.
In conclusion, Monster Madness Battle for Suburbia is one of those
titles that is extremely needed on the XBox 360 as the majority of
titles out for the console are just remakes of other games and this
title is a breath of fresh air. Not the most innovative gameplay, this
title is all about coop! Check it out! |