Mercenaries 2: World
in Flames is the latest blockbuster from video game giant EA Games
and is set in a world gone mad as tyrants swarm around Venezuela's
oil supply.

Set in the not so
distant future, you play a mercenary who has been brought into this
upside world. You are working for the highest bidder that gives you
access to a wide plethora of weaponry and vehicles and if you cannot
stand the heat, you can also play cooperatively with a friend.
Stop the press!
Mercenaries 2 World in Flame may sound like the most clichéd game of
the year which it is but unfortunately suffers from a little rushed
development that makes the title rather dated in this world of games
such as Devil May Cry and the latest Call of Duty or Battlefield
Don't get me wrong,
the title is not bad but then again it's not the best either,
however where the game does shine is through its co-op mode but more
on that later. There's just a sinking feeling about the game that
doesn't sit quite right.
Multiplayer! Play the main Mercenaries 2 campaign with the help
of your friends.
Play with fire!
Ground breaking, general purpose fire technology lets you set
fire to buildings, vehicles and people. Shoot holes in the sides
of fuel trucks, watch the oil spill under the feet of
unsuspecting enemies and light it on fire with a match!
over/under water! Don't worry about drowning ever again: use
watercraft or swim to traverse the oceans, rivers and lakes of
Mercenaries 2.
Build your own
Private Military Company! Increase and customize your support
options by recruiting other mercenaries you meet in the game!
A massive,
reactive, and completely unscripted game world! The world of
Mercenaries 2 is larger than all of the maps of the first game
combined and is jam-packed full of colorful characters and
environments. And this time, every action you make has
ramifications throughout the entire country.
Cool new toys!
Dozens of weapons, vehicles and support options are available
for you to use to blow the crap out of everything! Use the new
grappling hook to latch on to flying vehicles and commandeer
them in the sky!
Work for the
highest bidder! Clients will offer you money, information and
other resources in exchange for your services – provided you
haven't done anything to piss them off!
In its essence,
Mercenaries 2 is a third person shooter that allows you blow up a
variety of things in the gaming environments and allows the player
to procure vehicles such as cars and even boats.
Even though there is
quite a lot of "blowing up" in Mercenaries 2, the title feels
strange in this aspect, maybe it's because of its enormity but
something is missing as mission after mission becomes a little
repetitive as do the sometimes mediocre graphics.
The game does
contain a variety of missions as you explore the gigantic maps with
the developers throwing in a few twists here and there into the
title such as if you accidentally shoot the faction you work for, it
will royally mess up your chances of completing your current
missions, although it does make for some interesting and fun
You can also earn
money for completing various missions for these factions in the game
and for you, it doesn't matter what side they are on because all you
are worried about is cash.

The GPS system of
the title (apart from a map) allows you to blow up a variety of
objectives in the game thanks to an airstrike from your Russian
friend such as gates but as mentioned before, something feels a
little astray with the title. Unfortunately it's not very rewarding.
Although check-point
based, the game does have a regenerative feature that if you are
injured, you can just hide out until you are healed. As mentioned
earlier, vehicles are available to you that unfortunately don't
control too well, especially the boats which are rather awkward,
however the jeeps control well.
Where the title does
shine is through the multiplayer mode which is quite fun and does
offer some decent team options. The connection speed was quite good
online and nothing is more enjoyable then playing as a team (two)
and trying to take down an entire army.

Graphically, the
title is a little dated which has some exceptional gaming
environments and also some quite poor environments. The characters
seem like they are out of yesterday with their ackward movements
which is strange for a game of EA's caliber. There is also some
clipping and popups.
Sound wise the title
is rather impressive, even with the over the top voice acting that
sounds like a Namco game with its 80's charm to it which the
developers have tried to create in this over the top 80's inspired
action game. The Australian sounding HQ voice is also quite cool.
At the end of the
day, Mercenaries 2 is a game that although fun at times does feature
a variety of annoying bugs, however if you do get over these, you
may have some fun as you attempt to blow up, kill and fight your way
to victory. Definitely for those who like a clichéd and over the top