so much speculation on the internet and a variety of impressive
trailers, Kane & Lynch 2 Dog Days has finally arrived on
PS3, XBox 360 and PC. Although the original title received mixed
reviews, the gaming community was split on whether it was a good
game but 3-years later, protagonists Adam ‘Kane’ Marcus and James
Seth ‘Lynch’ have returned and developers IO Interactive have
addressed the issues from the original. At its core, Kane &
Lynch 2 Dog Days is an action third-person shooter which
resonates similarities with Grand Theft Auto for its criminal type
activities and Manhunt, for its sadistic and bloody violence.

briefly mentioned, the story of Kane & Lynch 2 Dog Days (Dog Days)
revolves around two men, Kane and Lynch who have been called to
Shanghai to partake in another grand heist of epic proportions.
Unfortunately they are caught in the middle of a turf war and then
there are the police to contend with. The game starts with a bang as
both Kane and Lynch are being tortured and then the game gives
control to the player two days earlier. This sets up the game nicely
for a variety of surprises along the way. Oh... gamers play Lynch in
this instalment of the game, the sleaziest and creepiest of the two!

controls are well mapped on the 360 controller and the title
contains an above average cover system as you attempt to dodge bullets
whizzing past your head. To engage in the cover, simply push the A
button and your character will attempt to engage in cover provided
something can be used. To add to the realism, you can even move to
cover if you’re on death’s door. And then to throw another curve
ball into the game, not all places where you find cover will stop
bullets. That’s right, if you hide behind a wooden crate, it may
stop one or two but eventually they will find you. One issue with
the cover system is that at times it is very clunky and I got stuck
in a few places as the bullets were flying past me. It did get a
little annoying but fortunately, the cool story kept me going.
target system in the game is quite realistic and the more powerful
the weapon, the more difficult it is to successfully line up a shot.
It also becomes quite difficult if you have an area full of thugs or
police but the machine guns do help. Head shots generally knock your
opponents down quite quick and if you do happen to be riddled with
bullets, finding cover will help replenish some of your health. The
game automatically saves at the end of a mission and re-spawn points
are rather plentiful, although a few are questionable.
The AI
of Dog Days can be quite merciful at times, so don’t expect a game
where you can catch dozens of bullets and still kick some ass. The
developers are aiming at realism and they have definitely hit the
nail on the head with this. There were only a few times when the
AI done something strange but once you’re in their sights, you
either need to fight back, cover or flee. Some parts in the game
also have civilians in it that does make it difficult to achieve
your objectives, especially with everyone running around when the
bullets start. I killed quite a few of innocents!

I love
the voice acting! The voice acting of Dog Days is easily my
favourite game of the year and each of the main characters has this
real intensity to them. The dialogue between Kane and Lynch is great as they bounce words off each other and only makes the entire
story more enticing to the player. The sound effects are great
through Dolby Digital 5.1 as is the musical score that has this real
Hollywood cop movie theme behind it.
Although the single-player mode is the main method of play, there
are a variety of entertaining online modes such as Undercover Cop
and my favourite, Cops & Robbers for up to 12-players. In Cops &
Robbers, players are split into two teams, the police and the
robbers and the goal is for the robbers to plunder as much cash as
possible and to ensure that they escape the police. Whether you’re
playing cops or robbers, it’s a very satisfying experience and
offers some great replay value, especially with teamwork.
Fragile Alliance on the other hand sets a time limit for your team to
basically collect as much money as possible and to get out with your
life. Just remember that there is no honour among thieves and I
found myself getting killed by my own team, just to collect my money
but what goes around, comes around! Arcade mode is another gameplay
option but it’s strictly for solo play which basically allows you to
play the multiplayer mode with bots. It may not be as fun the
multiplayer mode but it’s great for co-operative play. Another
interesting aspect of the game is that it can be played either
online or locally with another player.

cool aspect of multiplayer is that there are even AI characters in
the modes that really add to the realism of the multiplayer
experience as opposed to just human opponents. This adds a new
element to the gameplay and of course your overall strategy. Money
also takes a lead role in multiplayer and by being successful, you
are awarded cash which can be used to purchase additional items and
Graphically, Dog Days is a very good looking on the XBox 360 with
some great attention to detail such as the stylised camera work which
mimics reality police shows from its shaky camera work. The star of
the graphics are of course Kane & Lynch who have been virtually
created to appear as down-to-earth as possible and best of all, these
two characters don’t look like male models but actually real people
who would probably give you a fright if you accidentally bumped into
them in the street. Some people may find the amateur camera angle of
the game a little difficulty to grasp and may trigger some bouts of
motion sickness and even though it’s quite stylised, it is not used
all the way through the game. Loading between levels is quite cool
as well because there is some in-game banter between the characters
which helps progress the story.

conclusion, if you’re a fan of the criminal underworld gaming genre,
than you’re in for a treat as you are taken on a wild journey with
your two hosts, Kane and Lynch. It did take some time getting use to
the shaky camera when I was playing the single player campaign and
when my character was running, it almost made me ill on a few
occasions but after the first hour or so, I became use to it and it
was a great tool for story development in this third person shooter.
In terms of completion, this game will take most skilled gamers
around 8 hours to successfully complete which is dependent on what
difficult level you have selected. Needless to say, this is a well
made and extremely violent game that is definitely worth
investigating, it’s a shame that the controls were not more