Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2

It does not seem that long ago that the
first wave of what was called the next generation of gaming hit the
store shelves. Now here we are and the sequels to some of those games
are gracing us with a whole new hunk of gaming goodness.
Yet again we are boots on the ground with our hero, Scott Mitchell.
Ghost Recon Advanced War fighter 2 builds on what the first Advanced War
fighter did so well. Tweaks here and there and some improved eye
catching graphics make GRAW2 one of those must have games for any
shooter fan.

While there is enough
run , get to cover and gun and run some more to please any shoot
anything that moves fan… there is also some back story to stir the pot
enough to make you feel as if your playing a game based on some really
cool action film or TV show.
The adventure starts off on the second day after the last adventure (And
the first game ended). This time around though it’s not only Mexico that
has some worries, now the fighting is getting close to home as the
adventure takes us to the U.S and Mexico border. The player, taking
control of Scott Mitchell commands the Ghosts …the military’s kick- butt
elite of the elite. Scott and his team are called in and the battles are
fast and some times furious. While Advanced War Fighter fans will be
right at home, there are enough tweaks in the game and some really cool
extras this time around to make it one hell of a ride.
The first thing that stood out for me was the improved AI. Not only does
the Ghost team members, who by the way, would call out enemy positions
when they are seen.

Such as telling the
player where the enemy is located, “Two behind the red truck!” Which
unto itself is ultra cool. The enemy AI seems to be improved as well.
Enemy soldiers lay down cover fire for one another. And move for better
position and cover, and even employ snipers to pin you down with rifle
fire while their buddies on the ground try to flank you.
The cross com system has improved and has become an even better tool on
the battle field. Choosing a soldier, or other ground support vehicle
given to the player to command…then pressing one of the bumper controls,
the player can see from either that soldiers, or vehicles position. This
makes commanding a heck of a lot easier. Using the cross com and the
map, the player can position those assets to optimum positions.
Some of the extra little much needed tweaks include a new Medic class
that will come in real handy in some of those pitched battles. Add to
this some at times much needed air support for some really pleasing
explosions and you have some happy smiles on the faces of us Ghost Recon
Advanced War Fighter players. The impressive blast when calling in a jet
plane strike on a ground target is top notch.
I cannot even begin to say enough about the graphics. The light rays
filter through smoke, debris, broken buildings and all the environments
looks VERY realistic and amazing.
GRAW 2 is a spectacular sequel to a great game, it’s sure to keep gamers
coming back for more. I cannot even imagine what they will do for a
follow up…if at all.
With the wickedly cool looking graphics, is the speaker shaking sounds
of war, or Advanced War Fighter 2 if you will. Bullets flying past, and
gun fire all sound crisp coming through our surround sound system. Don’t
even get me started on the explosions, set your speakers up including
the sub woofer just right and you will feel the blast of the subwoofer
tremble under your feet. Now that’s what I call some gaming goodness.

Up’s to the game?
Definitely. Downs to the game? That all depends. The first few little
missions are training missions. So some players who have played the
first game may feel a bit annoyed at having to go through the motions
again, just to get to the meat of the game and the start of the
adventure. The training missions do serve to show the controls of
course, but also serve to show the player before the bullets start
flying what new little tweaks are in the game, including some of the
cool stuff with the Cross Com system. So, like it or not, your going to
have some refresher course in the controls. There is no option to skip
the training.
The adventure starts off in the Desert, while some players have made
comments that they did not like the looks, I feel the Desert environment
lent itself very well to the over all feel of the game. A change of
scenery goes a long way, and in each new environment there are the
ambient sounds to go along with it. The full on experience with the
visuals and the surround sound is very immersive and loads of fun.

Without giving too much
away (For those who have not played or read about the game) it’s the
classic style of tense adventure that any Tom Clancy Novel is brimming
with. Bad guys acquire some extra special bombs (nukes!) and it is up to
the player and the team that they lead to stop them before they can pull
of what ever it is they are planning.
If the single player awesome experience is not enough, there is some
truly inspiring multi player gaming to be had. GRAW 2 delivers the one
two punch, single player and multi player, both solid parts to the
whole. There are a whopping 18 different maps, with some customizations
such as the look of your online soldier; there are enough weapon types
to please just about any first person shooter fan out there. There are
of course plenty of game types, and if that is not enough you can even
combine different elements from the different game types. This is why
you would even want Xbox Live. There is a ranking system, and the
ability to play one of four different soldier classes. Each one of them
with their own unique weapons. If I my be so bold the Online play is
solid and has some really good improvements over GRAW 1. If there are
any gripes it seems like the single player adventure is just way too
short, either that or I am just spoiled and want more of what GRAW 2 has
Have fun play games
Edwin Millheim |