FarCry Instincts Predator
FarCry is set in the not so distant future
that features exciting new elements and 3D worlds set in both vast
detailed outdoor and indoor areas. FarCry showcases the latest AI and
physics technologies to recreate the most believable character
movements, as well as real-time 3D atmospheric sound rendering, weapon
bullets and footsteps as if you were there, in the game.
Jack Carver makes his explosive debut on
the XBox 360 with FarCry Instincts Predator that transforms
gamers into the reluctant hero who has been stranded on a remote
tropical island with a plague of deadly mercenaries intent on kill him.
The story starts with a beautiful and mysterious woman who
hires Jack to take her a strange island that was once used by the
Thing go awry for Jack when his employer disappears
and a huge gunship is gunning for him. Fortunately for our unwilling
hero, his skills as a retired Navy Commando come in handy as he makes
his way through a myriad of deadly weapons and traps in order to solve
the mystery and find out what the hell is going on.

This title is split into two section,
Instincts and Evolutions. When the gamer finishes the first installment of FarCry Instincts, players can then begin their second
campaign entitled Evolution that teams up Jack with sexy yet
deadly Kade as she hires his services once again to assist her with an
illicit arms deal.
Unlike the first campaign, the second
campaign is not driven by linear activities as gamers can now move from
one area of the game to another, without any repercussions, giving them
the full power on how they will complete the objectives. Evolution also
features improved artificial intelligence with the enemy now performing
a plethora of new maneuvers to make things a little more difficulty for
our average home grown hero.
Evolution grabs you from the start with its incredibly stunning
graphics, and the presentation of the story is just out right fun. As a
player you really get involved with everything that's going on from the
very start. The game play is a lot of fun also. For those players that
are used to running around and blasting away at everything that moves,
you may get a bit of a shock here and also end up with getting the
character dead several times before you figure out that there is a
certain amount of stealth and ambush playing that has to be done if your
going to make it in this adventure.
Unlike some first person shooters that feel a little short at times,
FarCry Evolution delivers a very health sized single player experience.
Just something about being in some jungle and being at one time prey and
then the next your are the hunter. It's just these twists and turns that
make this game hard to walk away from. If all of the single and
multiplayer goodness wrapped up with incredibly lush graphics and pulse
pounding sound was not enough, they even have a level editor included
just to keep the game rolling along far past the main games experience.
For those unfamiliar with the FarCry experience, the title features a
very in-depth tutorial that actually comes in handy, since it shows the player not
just how to get around and take on the bad guys but it also teaches the
player how to survive. One of the really cool things in FarCry Instincts
is the ability for the player to set booby traps. These are really fun
to use against a bunch of enemy if you manage to set several of these
branch traps and then lure them into the kill zone. Just don't make the
mistake I did and walk into your own trap, because it will spring and it
will hit you.
One of the other things that players will really enjoy in the game is
dual wielding weapons ala john woo. Gun battles can be hectic and very
violent. This is great because I really would not like to just sneak
around in a game only. There is a fair balance of both in the game and
both the gun battles and the sneaking around are very satisfying. The
mercenaries are pretty much the run of the mill cannon fodder enemies
one would expect. At the start the player may find themselves sneaking
around a lot until their arsenal is built up and oh boy pity the fool
mercenaries that go up against you then.
Just when your all at ease with your place in this violent paradise, and
you feel you can take on any mercenaries that come your way. WHAM!
That's when the real freaky stuff starts coming after you. The creatures
encountered will make you darn near fall out of your chair. It won't be
long before you're cringing as you round every corner, or slowing down
just so you don't make too much noise and attract anything your way.

As the game progresses, Jack soon develops some rather interesting abilities. Primal in nature
there are times when the mercenaries are in fear. These are great times
as your stalk your prey. Claw attacks are now very much a good weapon.
The special abilities come in handy and give Jack a real edge since he
can see scent trails of the enemy. (Almost like in the Wolverine game)
The abilities come with a limit of course since it's all fueled by
adrenaline, this can all be restored by finding powerups or by hunting
an enemy.
There are various vehicles in the game, these include humvees, jet skis,
hovercraft, and hang gliders, and my favorite all terrain vehicles.
While the vehicles are a bit hard to control, I still love running
around on them. Evolution also contains not only new vehicles but also
some great new weaponry to truly make this the definitive FarCry
The most annoying thing about FarCry is the horrible checkpoint system
and if you have ever played a game where there are large areas and you
cannot save until getting to the next level or position and the enemies
just happen to be very very hard in the area. You will know frustration
when you have to keep starting the same level over and over again. While
this is not a game breaker by any sense of the word. It sure the heck
will tick you off, especially on those more difficult levels.
Graphically, the XBox 360 version has been visually improved from the
original installment on the PC and XBox. However, the latest installment
called Evolution features high definition graphics, improved character
design and some of the most realistic water effects that have ever
graced a computer game. I must admit that the control system of
Instincts did feel a little rough when compared to Evolution but as the
title suggests, Evolution has also made an "evolution" since the
original game.
In conclusion, FarCry Instincts Predator is a
brilliant game that is a must have on the XBox 360 that features
extraordinary graphics and I must plead to all 360 owners, please
purchase a high resolution television in order to truly appreciate the
amazing graphics of this title. Great gameplay, perfect graphics and a
kick ass soundtrack, this game is awesome... the only downside which
loses a point from the total score is the annoying checkpoint system. |