Call of Juarez: The Cartel
Call of Juarez: The Cartel is the sequel to
a title that had small following, providing a decent first person
shooter in a Western setting, move forward to the release of the current
title and we see a shift from what set Call of Juarez apart from other
shooters. That’s right; Call of Juarez is now set in modern times,
which is disappointing for those wanting to have some old style Western
shootouts. This changes the key competition for The Cartel, because now
there is nothing unique about the game, so does this stand out amongst
the crowd.
story for The Cartel is kind of strange and does not really make a great
deal of sense, from what I could gather America is having trouble with
the Mexican Cartels and is considering invading Mexico, odes this seem
ridiculous to anyone else? So then a task force is put together
involving three generic characters, on girl from the FBI who has
connection’s to gangs, one stereotypical latino-esque DEA agent, and
finally there is McCain. McCain is clearly a descendent of the
character from Bound in Blood, and the only reason that this can be
called Call of Juarez; he is a western style, gunslinger, homicide
detective who has a husky voice. Players are able to choose one of the
three characters, each with promised differences in play styles. This
is the first major disappointment, despite stating that there are
different ranges each character is stronger with, however, each
character plays the exact same fights the exact same way.

play wise this is a fairly average shooter, the default settings are not
very good so if you do want to play through the story you want to do
some tinkering with the sensitivity and dead zone. There is down the
sights aiming, which is pretty standard these days, I did like how if
you kept the sight still for a couple of seconds it would zoom in a
little bit, making further away enemies a little easier to hit. The
enemies won’t be all that hard to see though, as the vast majority all
seem to be wearing green, blue or red t-shirts. The cover system is
good in that it is clear when you are behind cover, as this speeds
regeneration, another shooter staple, it would have been helpful though
to have a better way to pop out from cover. Ideally I would have liked
to have been able to simply look down the sights and dire off some
of Juarez implements some driving sections, which is a nice touch for
the first person genre, the handling itself is not too bad, nothing
spectacular but definitely passable. The biggest gripe I have is the
lack of freedom with the driving, one wrong turn and you are hit with a
brief warning that you are leaving the mission area, then almost
immediately told you have failed and may return to the last checkpoint.
This can absolutely ruin the experience of hopping in the car to pursue
or escape only to miss one of the tiny white guiding dots and told to
return to a previous checkpoint.
idea that was good, but could have been implemented a little better were
the solo side objectives, such as tapping phones. The catch is that
your partners can’t see you, this is generally very easy though as you
can often just shut a door, and in coop you can simply get your partner
to turn around. Speaking of coop, it was very disappointing that coop
could not be played split screen, the online coop works but personally I
prefer playing with a friend in the same room.

games visuals are pretty poor, they are severely outdated and the
animations are not very smooth. Models are again outdated, as are the
overall textures. The game feels as though it was rushed out and there
was not real care taken to make sure that things looked good. The main
characters are distinctly different, however the enemies are all
essentially the same, with only a few different types and even the
different not really looking all that different from one another.
sound brings about one of the most annoying aspect of the game, the
other character voice work. It seems not matter how well you are doing
they will say something along the lines of “leave some for us”, which
can make sense because they won’t kill many people. This is alright and
kind of funny for a couple of levels, but after a few hours of game time
these will grind your ears. Everything else about the sound is
completely unremarkable, guns don’t have any real impact, voice work is
irritating and bland and the music score has no impact.

As a
whole this game is just another first person shooter that tries to
incorporate all the standard additions of the popular first person
shooters without implementing anything ground breaking. Everything this
game attempts has been done before and done better. The original Call
of Juarez had something that had not really been explored, particularly
in modern titles. Moving into modern times without maximising the
modern gunslinger character this is just another run of the mill first
person shooter. |