Games based on movies are generally
horrendous. We've had so many poor movie games since the
introduction of consoles into our homes that most gamers scoff when
they hear the latest block buster movie will be available as a
cross-platform release. However, every now and then, one game will
break this mould and unfortunately Battle: Los Angeles by developers
Saber Interactive is not that game.
Ironically, this first person
shooter isn't that bad, however I must confess that the movie
Battle: Los Angeles is probably one of the worst films that I have
had the pleasure of watching. One of our reviewers gave the movie a
whopping 1 out of 10 ( and unfortunately I must whole
heartedly agree with them and if I wasn’t with friends in the
cinema, I would have walked out from its ludicrous plot that was
oozing with over the top American military spirit.
With that said,
the game is considerably better.

As opposed to the smoke and mirrors that they used in the movie to
disguise the aliens and more specifically the special effects, the
game does not cut any corners and gives the player a stock standard
first person shooter. Your goal is simple, get from point A to point
B and kill anything that gets in your way. Like most XBox Live
games, Battle: Los Angeles is quite short and most gamers will
easily be able to knock this over in just a few hours which is
probably just enough for most. Considering that the developers only
had the story from the movie to work with, it's actually surprising
how much they managed to squeeze out.
In terms of story, Los Angeles has been invading by aliens who want
our resources (according to the scientist from the movie) and they
do this by extermination of the native population. Your goal is
simple, stay alive, kill the aliens and liberate Los Angeles. Plot
sound a little familiar? Independence Day done this plot but
fortunately they done it better. Unfortunately for us! In terms of
story, the developers did not use
any of the cinematics from the movie to progress the story but
rather comic panels are used for cut scenes. These just feel out of
place compared to the in-game graphics engine which is a shame or
maybe they were trying to distance themselves.

Forgive my negativity about the movie but this will be my second
last snipe at it... it was a stinker. Thankfully the game isn't that
bad as you run through the streets of Los Angeles, fighting these
strange almost Halo-like aliens as they tear apart the city of
Angels. The game will give you a basic overall of what is required
in the mission briefing and for the majority of the time, you'll be
killing aliens left, right and centre. Your character has access to
a handful of weapons from rifles to grenades or the rocket launcher
that really blasts these alien scumbags to kingdom come as they
desecrate American soil! Oorah!
My favourite gun was the sniper rifle that actually did pay homage
to the movie rather well as the sniper scope was used quite a bit in
the film. As you run around with your squad, saving America, the AI
of the game is quite easy to dispatch and most enemies will reel
over with a well aimed head shot, courtesy of the sniper rifle. One
cool aspect of the game is the damage system. If you repetitively
get hit, your world slows down considerable, even the sound effects
that is quite a nifty way of penalising the gamer for being wounded
and is a good special effect. Unfortunately there is no multiplayer
mode contained in Battle: Los Angeles but if you continue completing
the game on different levels, you will unlock videos and pictures as
an incentive but honestly, once was enough.

Graphically, Battle: Los Angeles is not a bad looking game and
replicates the war torn Los Angeles well. Unfortunately the enemies
in the game are just limited to a few different types which does
make things a little repetitive at the best of times. Fortunately
the character design of the game is acceptable and there is a
plethora of things that can be destroyed in the environment for that
additional Hollywood flair. The voice over's in Battle: Los Angeles
is even more over the top than the movie and that's really saying
something. Oorah!

In conclusion, for a low budget game based on a high budget but
really bad movie, Battle: Los Angeles is an "ok" first person
shooter but is probably a little steep in terms of price due to the
content and length of the game. It's definitely a game for the fans of the
movie and if you're a fan of the first person shooter genre, I would
err on caution in purchasing this game unless it goes on special. Now it's back to rehab for
me... I'm still trying to get the movie out of my brain! The horror
must stop! Oorah!