After a relatively enjoyable Bakugan: Battle Brawlers on the XBox
360, its creators have released the next instalment in Bakugan:
Defenders of the Core and if you’re a fan of the cartoon series,
toys or game, than you’ve come to the right place for your virtual
enjoyment. As opposed to just another sequel, the developers have
actually improved this game considerably that offers more gameplay
choices as a variety of genres have been melded together. These
genres include strategy, tower defence, fighting and stealth...
think Metal Gear Solid but not as good.

The story revolves around the player’s avatar who has been given the
arduous task of collecting all the Bakugan in order to defeat the
Vexos. Unfortunately for the Bakugan Brawlers, they have been
stripped of their powers which has basically left their world
powerless against the onslaught of the Vexos. This game mimics the
TV series quite well and you’ll see all your favourite Bakugan
characters appearing in Defenders of the Core such as Cross
Dragonoid or Mega Nemus which really does compliment the story well.
Like the TV series and similar card games, the main crux of the
title generally involves battling one Bakugan against other monster
with classic fighter controls that also allows you to explore the
area (ala Final Fantasy). Add in some tower defence strategies and
some cutscenes and this game is more than just a button smasher as
some strategy is actually involved. There is even a Metal Gear Solid
type area where you need to sneak around town, avoiding guards and
cameras that does break things up from all the fighting.

battles however are all over the top and quite fast and generally
don’t last that long. There are some certain tasks that you may need
to perform but all in all, it’s a fighting game and your enemies can
range from one to many. You also have the ability to collect core
fragments which are used to “level” up your Bakugan and use certain
cards in battle to super charge your monsters.
One issue with the gameplay is the annoying camera angles,
especially during the stealth levels... I was like... what the!
Fortunately the different Bakugans at your disposal does lend itself
to find out what's next, even with that weird camera. The game also
contains some multiplayer options (albeit basic) in the Battle Arena
where two players can duke it out via split screen. Online would
have however been the way to go.

Graphically, the title is reminiscent of the previous game with good
looking characters, albeit simplistic that mimic their cartoon
counterparts well. The sound effects are a little too loud but the
voice acting is fun and at times quite amusing. The soundtrack has
been taken directly from the TV series and has this really pumping
atmosphere to it! It's not the most flash game but it does work.
Final Thoughts? This game is definitely for the younger gamer and if
you’re not a fan of the series, you might want to look elsewhere for
your gaming enjoyment. The game is a little on the easy side but
Activision have definitely hit their target audience right in the
bull eyes with this title.
It just needed some
more refining to make this a better game.