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Our PAX AUS 2013 Review - -
PAX AUS 2013
Reviewed by
Andrew Bistak
PAX AUS 2013 Review. This is one show that needs to be put on your gaming calendar every year!

Title: PAX AUS
Royal Melbourne Showgrounds
When: 19 July - 21 July 2013
Review Date:
July 2013



This is one show that needs to be put on your gaming calendar every year!

PAX AUS 2013
Melbourne Australia

One of the world’s biggest games expo has just gone pacific with PAX AUS, a true celebration of gaming. Running over three days from the 19th to the 21st of July 2013, visitors to the Royal Melbourne Showgrounds can expect a truly epic experience from a sneak peak at Microsoft’s new XBox One to panels from gaming experts, a collection of amazing indie developers, tournaments, freeplay (PC & Gaming), hardware and of course a variety of console exhibitions such as Ubisoft and Nintendo.

This is only just the surface of PAX AUS and after leaving the exhibition, I’m thoroughly exhausted from the amount of exhibitors, activities, information and of course people. PAX is massive and is something that all gamers from across Australia should check out.

The developer and the Princess

Ubisoft showcases their latest Assassin's Creed Game

Assassin's Creed invades King's Comics

Besides seeing the powerful XBox One, indulging in the atmosphere, we even got the chance to play Saints Row IV which was a total blast. It felt like some bizarre superhero adventure in the demo that we played and is definitely worth the wait in the line. Not only did the graphics look amazing but the gameplay was almost flawless on the XBox 360.

Online gaming played a huge part of PAX AUS such as League of Legends and the huge exhibit from to let gamers know that World of Tanks means business in Australia. Not only did the folks from Wargaming.Net have a massive exhibition with military vehicles and a huge PC setup for players but they also had a bevy of promotional models in uniform to promote this product. Given that the majority of attendees for this expo are male, it's easy to see why... not that we're complaining mind you.

Two of the models from Wargaming.Net

League of Legends... enough said!

Ubisoft was HUGE at PAX AUS

Another highlight for us was interviewing Atsushi Miyauchi, a Japanese veteran gaming developer who has been in the industry for more than 15 years. His current title is Dynasty Warriors 8 boasts over 70 characters and the incorporation of a new “what if” storyline that means, each character can have a different ending depending on their actions. The full interview will be seen next week in our Interview section on Impulse Gamer.

In relation to interviews, both the media and fans can chat to some of the most amazing indie gaming developers and more importantly, they are Australian. There's some brilliant titles out there apart from the mainstream gaming companies and we strongly suggest that you investigate these little gems while visiting the expo.

The developers of Postman's Odyssey and Cargo Chaos

Nintendo, always a crowd favourite

Gamers flock the Indie Gaming Developers

Impulse Gamer were also given a chance to experience the Oculus Rift, some of the most impressive virtual reality headsets that we’ve had the pleasure of using. Although still in a BETA phase, the Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Headsets are taking the developer world by storm as a developer kit costs around $300USD. This affordable price is to ensure that all developers can access this technology in order to create some amazing platforms, not just for gaming. We experienced an Unreal 4 Tech Demo that must be seen to be believed. It was like standing in front of an IMAX screen, however everywhere you look, the graphics would move with you. It was almost like you were really there. Another highlight was the cinema tech demo that made it feel like you were in the cinema watching the Man of Steel Trailer. Given that this is not the final version of the headset, we’re eager to see more developers use this technology and hopefully one day, we can experience this on a 4K virtual screen.

The future of VR Headsets, the Oculus Rift

Alienware, one of the world's powerful gaming rigs

Ubisoft's Just Dance

Apart from all the interactive exhibits, PAX AUS 2013 showcased some amazing talks such as Stealth Gaming: Featuring Splinter Cell Blacklist that talked about the past and future of stealth gaming. The panels are really varied and include topics such as Gaming and Parenting and just about anything and everything to do with gaming. Then if you need a break, you can venture into the freeplay areas for both the PC and the console that gives you the ability to play a game for around 45 minutes while you experience some true gaming. Not only is it a great way to relax but it allows you to check out some of the games that you don't own. Brilliant!

Final Thoughts?

PAX AUS 2013 is a true gaming festival that not only celebrates the gamer but the future of this medium by giving people the chance to talk to developers, chat about the latest PC hardware or just interact with the people attending the expo. One day is definitely not enough and in order to fully experience PAX AUS 2013, a three day pass.

This is one show that needs to be put on your gaming calendar every year.

One last salute from one of the models of Wargaming.Net



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