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N-Gage Reviews: Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004

The N-Gage has certainly taken mobile gaming to the next evolutionary stage and what better way to kill some time than with Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004. This current golfing game for the N-Gage game deck takes gamers on the professional golfing circuit and offers them four modes of play that includes practice, career (my favourite), versus and of course the extremely popular N-Gage arena. Thankfully this current incarnation of Tiger Woods has been backed by Electronic Arts and for those that have played the title before, you will find the N-Gage version as compelling as its distance console cousins.

The main draw card of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 is the career mode that allows gamers to take on the role of professional golfer and play a variety of tournaments around the world. The versus mode of Tiger Woods is also quite fun and although it does allow you to hook up against another N-Gage via the bluetooth, you can also play the traditional way and play against 3 other players by passing around the N-Gage game deck.

The control system of Tiger Woods 2004 is quite easy to master and uses the game-pad to control the golfer in the gaming environment with the "5" button used to hit the ball. Although it was a little fiddly on the original N-Gage game deck, the QD is another story and simply plays perfectly. For that extra realism, the developers have included a variety of obstacles to interfere with the controls such as lakes, wind, trees and of course a variety of other golfing issues.


Graphically, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 is a visual treat on the N-Gage and uses a brilliant 3D gaming engine to help immerse gamers into the world of Tiger Woods. All the characters have been professionally modelled and are animated quite well (considering the limited frame-rate) and match that with some beautiful looking environments and you have one pumping golf game.

Musically, Tiger Woods sounds a little dull but generally most people don't listen to music while they play golf so what really matters in this game are the golfing sound effects that have been professionally digitised into this version of the title. Go Tiger!

In conclusion, if you are looking for an addictive sports game that can virtually be played anywhere, then I would recommend Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 because this is as close to golf as one could get without picking up a set of clubs and hitting the courses. Check it out!

- Andrew B

The Final Say!

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 -  reviewed by Andrew B 
Review Date: September 2004
Review Score 7.5/10
Distributed By: Nokia

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