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DVD Reviews:  Surfing the Menu Episodes 1-8

The Final Say!

Feature Score:
DVD Extras Score

Reviewed by Tory Favro
Distributed by:
Roadshow Home Entertainment
Running Time: 208 Minutes

Starring Curtis Stone and Ben O'Donoghue, Surfing the Menu is  trip around most of Australia, catching waves and seeing what the local areas visited have to offer in the way of culinary delights.

Both guys are Aussies who work over in England and are apparently very good in what they do over in the UK. The premise of this show is that they are bored with the cooking over there and are back in Oz to get some inspiration for their cooking. So along comes a camera crew with them as they hit surf spots around the country and cook us up stuff to eat.

This show had me stumped and I am sorry to say that for the life of me that I could not get into it. Being a fan of a number of other cooking shows, Jamie Oliver, Kylie Kwong, Nigella Lawson to name but a few, this show looked as though it would deliver the goods, however it's quite simply not to be.

One of my main complaints with this disc is the fact that they have chosen to leave the boys swearing in. It's only mild and those who know me (friends) will attest that I can let rip myself at times. There is a time and place though and this is not one of them. Very disappointing.

We are taken to some beautiful areas and shown some truly cool things. As a travel DVD this disc stands up really well and is of interest, but we have to remember that this is a cooking disc as well and that's where I think it falls on it's face. We are shown some great dishes and I thought on more than one occasion that I'd love to cook some of the dishes displayed. Unfortunately you are not shown enough to every really fully recreate what you see and there are no extras that I could find that showed me the recipes in a text format. If someone can find them on the disc, let me know and I will amend this score somewhat.

I'd have to say that as a travel guide, this is worth the watch, but as a cookguide, no thanks. We are teased with mouthwatering dishes but not shown any techniques. The swearing, although mild is a big turn off for me as well. This one might be worth renting first.


The disc is shown in 16:9 aspect ratio and the whole disc looks very nice. Colours are rich and make the landscapes very appealing. There are no problems with video on this disc.


Stereo mix only here and it's all that it needed. Sound is very clear, functional and adds to the enjoyment of the disc.


Nothing to report here that I could find, I wish there were some recipes for all the great food!

Surfing the Menu Episodes 1-8 Features

  • Move Along! Nothing to see here!


 Copyright ©2004